
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

That Winter Feeling

We are, I dare say, in the heart of winter here. The light has that cold and sharp quality, and the air smells like snow, which is probably true, because this year it seems to snow every couple of days.  We always try to make a big deal out of Valentine's Day, (because, what else is there to do in February?) but have sort of dropped the ball this year.  Which means that all of our festivities are saved for this week, and I am totally letting the kids set our celebratory priorities.

Homeschooling time this morning was spent making a lot of confetti with scissors while listening to Greek myths on cd.  I'm guessing that means the rest of our week will be spent cleaning up confetti while listening to Greek myths?  At least we can hear the story of Tantalus and Pelops and talk about the Olympics, right?

We have been going for a walk every single day, so long as the thermometer reads above freezing.  My parents assured me that in Poland, babies are taken out in the fresh air no matter what the outside temperature, so long as they are properly bundled (and I think all though Europe, this is believed to enhance babies' sleep).  So Dorothy and Clara come along, usually pressed up against me under Ben's big down vest.  And even the big kids are pretty happy to run off some energy, even if their noses are red when we get home.

There is snow in the forecast for Wednesday, and I am actually excited for the first time this winter.  No longer pregnant with twins, no longer the mother of newborns too tiny to come out into cold air.  We are spending the day bringing up fire wood (and ordering a generator!).  Valentine's Day in the snow actually sounds pretty nice.


Jeanne said...

Happy to see that Hugo is enjoying the bus!! Addison really enjoyed having the girls over yesterday! -- jeanne

Adele said...

He loves it, thank you! Transportation is the best. :)

Melissa H-K said...

Your pictures and words always evoke such clear, sharp images in my mind. Mind you, I can't describe them, but they are all about light with no shadow, focusing on one thing at a time, enjoying the thing in and of itself, whatever that thing is. I wish I could say it better. Anyway, my point is that you fill a space that nobody else can fill, and you do it beautifully. I hope that makes sense to you.

Adele said...

Thank you, Melissa: your words are so kind. I'm always happy to "run into" you in this space!