
Thursday, April 12, 2012

From the Phone


 Check out my new wheels!  My early birthday present from Ben arrived the other week (complete with baby seat), and I am so excited to use it, especially as the weather warms back up.  Sweet potato vines are in the window boxes, and three lucky tomato plants are in the ground, as a sort of experiment to see if I am nuts for planting this early.  Fingers crossed.

This chilly weather makes me sleeepy!  Where once I might have tried to get a bit of exercise or reading  with Zosia in during the afternoon nap period, these days I have been lying down myself.  I need to rally a bit to find the energy for all of these spring projects I have on my mind!

(And on a sidenote, I am experimenting with the Instagram for android!  Verdict is still out whether I prefer this or Pixlr-o-matic)

1 comment:

Lauren Oliver said...

Ooh, I love the bike! I'm jealous- it looks like just the kind a beginner like me would need (although I'm sure you're more skilled than I).