
Friday, February 17, 2012


Here we are, on the cusp of another weekend! Our plans include...

::going out for burgers, of course. We have to live it up before lent starts next Wednesday (I think the local pizza place will be seeing more of us!).
::teaching a hypnobirthing class to a group of fabulous students. What a gift to have a job that I look forward to so much
::entertaining our very grown up niece along with Ben's side of the family (and making something tasty and paleolithic for dinner... any ideas?)
::making some raisin bread to enjoy on the way to church on Sunday morning. At the end of the day, none of us are morning people here in our household, so we need all the help we can get.
::going for an exciting adventure on Monday's holiday. Warm weather, a daytrip to the mountains, cold weather, a trip to the city. The thermostat will be our guide.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Any exciting plans?

(above: our very pom-pommy dining room. Lily woke up yesterday and said she dreamed about a blue fox and blue pom poms)

1 comment:

Veggie Girl said...

great blog
check mine out: