
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

because good things must be shared

Rachel (one of Zosia's godmothers) and Sean just welcomed their daughter Junia into this world this past Sunday. I am not typically a huge newborn person, but I am totally smitten with Junia, maybe because I love her parents so much.

I thought this blessing was so beautiful that it had to be shared. From Sean and Rachel's blog:

At Junia's birth (8:55pm August 23) Sean and I blessed her with our words. They were the first unfiltered words she heard with her ears without my body filtering her. Though, I could not say them all with Sean because he had to go to the warmer to touch and meet her and I had to be poked, prodded and closed, we said the final bit together.

Junia's Birth Blessing

(Together if able, Sean if unable)
May you know

The freedom andlife of God when your are healthy
And the humility and need of God when you are in ill health.

May you know

The passionate, dynamic and even ordinary presence of God in your loving.
And the comfort of God in your heartache.

May you know

The delight of God’s creation as you grow and learn your own laughter, playfulness and creativity. And, find your passions in God’s creative zeal for you.

May you know

The joy and richness of God’s poverty and simplicity, and be trusting in God at the times when the world’s values push in on you.

May you know

God’s presence as woman, man, mother, father, laughter, sorrow and all the forms that God takes. And when your prayer ceases may a community hold you in faith.

May you know

That in whatever life holds for you- you are lovable and sacred and beautiful as you are.

Our daughter,

We as your parents will celebrate who you are.
Be with you as you grow.
Acknowledge our mistakes.
Celebrate you as a part of our family and traditions.

We will laugh and cry for you.
We will love you, as best we are able- all the days that we live.


Sedna-is-my-own-last-name said...

very sweet blessing. i love it!

i think the first thing i said to my little one was, "see, that wasn't so hard, was it?" followed by..."i knew you were a girl!"

she also heard hypnobirthing music so her entry was calm and joyous as well. : )

Adele said...

Wow, I didn't know you were a hypnobirthing mom as well! Small world. We had two hypnobabies. :-)