
Thursday, May 16, 2013


Yesterday we got home from a little lake vacation.  We rented a cabin at a state park, and spent the days at the lake: either through walking down to the lake on the little path next to our cabin (where there were great shells that the kids loved collecting) or at the beach, where we spent many hours playing in the sand, wading in the water, and having beach races (take it easy on the kids, Ben!).  There were so many butterflies on the sand (drinking, maybe?) and the kids just ran around yelling "Hi! Butterflies!" "Bye! Butterflies!" or just the abridged "Hi! Bye!" if you're Hugo.

  We had the place just about to ourselves, with a few neighbors trickling in over the course of the morning.

We were all so happy: even Selma (who at heart, really is a water dog) came along and enjoyed the water.  We didn't even minded too much when our air conditioning broke on the car ride home.  We rolled the windows down, Hugo went to sleep, and we enjoyed the breeze in our hair.  Well, we might have been a little overheated by the time we got home.  Is it safe to say that summer is here?

After we got home, we went to pick up one of our favorite people from the world from the airport, and all felt right with the world.  Last night, as I was going to sleep, I had the image of the beach fresh in my memory.

1 comment:

One and Doll said...

Oh how much I want you guys to come visit us. I want to take your little ones on a low tide walk with us...make a fire on a chilly beach...and just be together. Love love love to you all!