
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Turning One

Lily turned one today. And while just about everything I was hoping would happen didn't work out: presents left unmade, cakes unbaked, and my sweet (and fearless) one year old landing herself with an emergency dentist appointment after that poor front tooth of hers finally cracked (ouch!), I have nothing left at the end of the day but gratitude. She is fine, and we all had some delicious birthday mango popsicles to celebrate, and I know there is always another day, month, year. And a birthday party coming up, of course.

What a beautiful journey life is, and what a privilege to be a witness to it. So much happens in a year, doesn't it? I can't wait to see what the coming years bring with this sweet love of mine.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, a year! Wow that went fast and slow all at the same time. Happy Birthday little Lilly!

KRM said...

OMG time flies - happy happy birthday Lilly

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Well, her first birthday was certainly memorable, wasn't it? I'm a day late, but happy birthday to a beautiful little girl!

Margo said...

what a great story she's got! But sighhhh. . . for the plans unmade. You take it in good grace. I hope she's fine now.

Adele said...

Thank you all! Yes, she's fine, thank goodness... I think both girls loved the dentist's office with so many more colorful and electronic toys than we will ever have. ;-)

Unknown said...

I just found your blog through Kerry's Kids Color Week. Your story about Lilly's birthday plans failed reminded me so much of my day yesterday. It was such a chaotic day, and my son's birthday, and I felt like nothing had gone as planned (prep work undone, chaos at work and not able to take time off, a thrown together bbq with the grandparents) but at the end of the day I connected with my happy little birthday boy in a few peaceful moments outside, appreciating the warm Spring evening together. A reminder that even the worst days have good moments. :)

Kerry said...

Oh my, I am late with my birthday wishes! A very happy birthday to Miss Lilly and to you. I never realized how very special birth-days are for parents, especially mamas too! I hope you are all well. Sorry to hear about the unexpected circumstances of the day!

Adele said...

Victoria, yes, even the worst days certainly have their sunny spots. And thank you, Kerry, Lily is just fine-- she actually had the tooth pulled this morning but it was quick, and she was fine immediately after. And now she's all ready for a pirate costume for next Halloween. ;-)