
Monday, July 13, 2009

Day Boxes

I have finally gotten around to a project that I have been thinking about for a while: creating special "day boxes" with some art supplies, books, puzzles, and toys that will only be pulled out on certain days of the week during Lily's morning nap. I have sort of come to terms with the fact that Lily isn't going to nap too well on the move, which means that Z-dubbs and I are here at home in the morning. And I have noticed that there are many art supplies that go unused and many books that are ignored because they're always around. So first I pulled a bunch of toys and put them in the unfinished part of the basement, I left some out, and I separated the rest into the boxes. And Zosia and I got some great art supplies last night (finger painting, anyone?), which I'm really excited to try out this week. Then, as she gets bored of the toys that are around, we'll start rotating new ones in.

Notice that Friday doesn't have a box. Which in all honesty, is because I couldn't find a tupperware with a lid. But I'm thinking maybe Fridays we'll just do music and bubbles or something like that.


KRM said...

great idea - I am impressed at the organizational skills involved to pull this off:)

Adele said...

Ha! If only you knew how un-organized I am these days. Beautiful profile pic, by the way!