I think it's safe to say that quite likely, I am over half way through this pregnancy. I think we will be quite pleasantly surprised if these babies make it to 38 weeks, let alone 40. It sounds like 36 is considered to be pretty good. So, here's to half of a pregnancy completed! Way to go, babies. Keep on growing.
Tomorrow morning we will find out a little more about the babies, and get to see their wiggly little bodies on the ultrasound screen, which is always a treat. I still get a kick out of the idea that there are two little babies inside of me. And speaking of kicks, I have been feeling quite distinct movement, almost entirely on one side of my pelvis or the other. Which makes sense, since these babies are lying side by side. The funny thing is that one babies movements don't seem to really impact the activity level of the other. Can you imagine being pressed up against a wiggly person just your size and sleeping through it? Talk about sound sleepers! I suppose this is why many twin parents swear by putting the babies to sleep in the same crib for the first several months, because, I mean, these kiddos are used to it.
I have been trying to figure out logistics for when the babies arrive, which I imagine is better done now than when I am so abundantly pregnant that it is impossible. Zosia's bedtime prayer each night is something to the effect of, "and I pray that mommy and daddy will know how to take care of twin babies." Amen to that! Where will everyone sleep (feeling quite thankful that we have four bedrooms which will accommodate everyone comfortably)? Where are the newborn clothes, and do we have enough for two? And, this might seem totally crazy since it is August,but I have actually been brainstorming Christmas presents with the knowledge that with early December babies I will want to have that all lined up in advance. Besides, it's always fun to daydream about Christmas in the middle of summer.
Fingers crossed that next week I will have some more exciting details available (gender reveal, anyone?)!
Ooh, ooh, I can't wait to find out what sex the babies are! Because babies don't have gender. They have sex. Words have gender, though mostly not in English, as you know. :-) I think people started saying "gender" because "sex" sounds rude. Oh, dear, I'm afraid you put a quarter in my editing jukebox, and this is what happened!
I'm so thankful to have an esl teacher in my readership! :-) I agree, saying we're going to have a "sex reveal" just sounds naughty. But I look forward to sharing the sexes of the babies with you soon!
Well, I used to be an ESL teacher, but I guess I can't get it out of my system! Just out of curiosity, are you teaching the kids any Polish? That would be so cool! Even if it was just some songs! Also, there is hard data showing that students who speak more than one language fluently do better than those who have only one—meaning that immigrants who keep up their first-language skills have an advantage over native-born students. Again with the quarter in the jukebox . . .
Well if they're girls we have a loooooot of newborn clothes to send your way :) And I think one of the absolute best things I did before having the twins was buy all our Christmas presents WELL in advance! Advent was so much calmer since I had all that out of the way.
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