My knitting is off my needles and on the two little ones I intended it for! Woo hoo! They are quite happy (and silly) as you can plainly see. And I have been reading some amazing books: At Home, which I was so excited about that I actually preordered in paper back, but was then promptly comandeered by another adult in the household who will remain nameless (who is just the best, and so gets away with such things). I have been lucky enough to have a few pages read aloud to me, and we will then embark on the dance that is two people reading the same book at the same time. Does this work?
And then in the conflict resolution category of things, I have been reading Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, which has been a very helpful way of resetting and recommitting to gentle parenting (why is it that we need so many reminders to do something so simple?).
And then I am lucky enough to have a loaned copy of Playful Learning (thanks, Michelle!), which is just amazingly beautiful and interesting. I actually had to put it down for a day because I was just too excited to read it properly the first time around.
Looking forward to seeing what everyone is up to in the Yarn Along!
I love the face that Lilly is making here.
Your knitting looks very lovely on two adorable little girls! xx
The sweaters you knit look so cute on the girls :) I can't wait to have a chance to look at the new playful learning book to. I'm going to have to check out the book on gently discipline you mentioned to. That sounds really interesting. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you find a copy of the alphabet book :)
Just look at the matching tea leaves cardis! They look fantastic and are so sweetly modeled. Great work!
Love the top picture!!! Those are two very lucky kids.
The sweaters look so sweet on your girls!
OMG!! The little one with her eyes shut tight is ADORABLE!!! (Of course, the older one is as cute as a button, too!!--and their new knitwear beautiful!!!)
Can't wait to read At Home--love Bill Bryson!
Ah yes, that little one is my Lily, and she is just as cute and spunky in real life. :-)
What beautiful sweaters! I love the colors, and I have been longing to make that pattern for a few years now. Hopefully someday my knitting skills will be up to the challenge. Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog!
The sweaters turned out amazing, Adele. I'm putting it on my winter life list to knit a sweater. I'll be coming to you for lessons. Glad you're loving Playful Learning. I too couldn't put it down. I got lost in dreaming of some day homeschooling some little ones in much the same spirit in which the author works with her own daughters. xoxo
Such adorable little tea leaves and modeled by darling little girls. Children knits are the cutest. :)
Come on over, Michelle. I would love to show you the basics... and once you get started, the rest is so easy.
I saw this and I thought it might be a fun activity for you and your little ladies! Apparently, there are penguins in need of (adorable) winter sweaters!
Melissa, that's adorable! Ben actually just read me that headline the other day and we both laughed about it, but come on, how could you NOT give some needy penguins sweaters?
So cute!!! Congrats- you are so talented.
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